शहीद निर्मल महतो मेडिकल कॉलेज

Shaheed Nirmal Mahto Medical College Dhanbad
Affiliated to Binod Bihari Mahto Koyalanchal University (BBMKU) Dhanbad.
Recognized by National Medical Commission of India (MCI) in 1999.
Established in 1971

Faculty Members
Department of Anatomy
Anatomy Department started in 1970. The department is rich with Models, specimens , Charts, Diagrammes,dissected Parts of various organs viceras of human body.our museum is one of the best museum in Jharkhand?s medical college. Anatomy Department was headed by Dr. N.L Mitra, Dr. B.N Sinha, Dr. S.C Swain, Dr. R.M Kalluri, Dr. S.N Baroliya, Dr. R.K Arya
Department Contact Details : Extn No - 511
Infrastructures, Facilities & Activities
1) Dissection Hall
The department has a big dissection hall having an accommodation capacity of about 150 students. The gross structure of human body is taught through lectures, bone demonstration, cadaver dissection, prosecuted specimens, tutorials, models and charts.
2) Histology Lab
Histology is taught by lectures and practical. There is a demonstration room for illustrating the photomicrographs through projections. A practical lab which can accommodate above 75 students at a time, is located near the dissection hall. It is well equipped with individual microscope for each student. A set off slide and a book with well-illustrated, coloured photomicrographs are provided to each student.
3) Museum
The departmental museum having soft parts, embryological models, bones and skeleton, foetalanomalies, sections of brain, clay models of body part as well as those depicting stage of human development etc.
4) Departmental Library
Departmental library have more than 527 books it provide great helping for students as well as teachers.
5) Activities
a. seminar and conference are held from time to time.
b. Research work done by teachers and presented during conferences held annually.
6) Teaching & Training
Dept. is read to teach of UG. Student, and Paramedical students.
7) Research/Publication
yes, our teacher has gone through the research work / publication.
8) Achievement
Over all our dept. is good among the other dept. of college.
9) Event (Upcoming/ongoing)
Dept. is likely to be provided by 3 dimensional Anatomized table for better 3 dimensional picture & dissections.
10) Others
Radiological plates and whole body section cutting machines are also available. A separate embalming section is also in function.