शहीद निर्मल महतो मेडिकल कॉलेज

Shaheed Nirmal Mahto Medical College Dhanbad
Affiliated to Binod Bihari Mahto Koyalanchal University (BBMKU) Dhanbad.
Recognized by National Medical Commission of India (MCI) in 1999.
Established in 1971
Faculty Members
Department of General Medicine
Department of Medicine has 4 Units ,7 faculty members, 16 Junior residents, 2 Senior residents & 2 Medical Officer. Unit -I is headed by
Professor & HOD,
Dr. Umesh Kr. Ojha.,
Dr. Lal Babu Tudu unit in-charge II,
besides routine duties,
In-Charge U.G.Curriculum
In-Charge examination of Dialysis Technician
Dr Manoj Kumar Dubey unit in-charge III ,
entrusted with clinical teaching for undergraduate and in-charge of
in-charge of ECG. Technician examination.
Dr Abdul Jabbar Ansari unit in-charge IV , Monitoring
Dr Mrs Purnima Kerketta unit in-charge V ,
Dialysis unit and does central venous curricula-tin.
Dr. Neel Kanth Modi unit in-charge VI ,
G.I. Endoscopy and Temporary Pace-making.
Dr. Bibhuti Nath unit in-charge VII , of
T.B. & Chest (ART clinic) & Respiratory Medicine.
Department Details :
Infrastructures, Facilities & Activities
1) Infrastructure
a.) 8 bedded -Coronary care unit, having cardiac beds, Echocardiography, TMT Holder, Ventilators.
b.) 8 bedded Medicine ICU with essential equipments.
c.) 10 Bedded High dependency unit with essential equipments.
d.) 5 Bedded Dialysis unit with 5 Haemodialysis Machine. Haemodialysis 2 Shift duty. All unit is centrally connected with oxygen supply.
2) Temporary Pacemaker unit
Where facility for central cannulation & Temporary Pacemakers are available.
3) Diagnostic Unit
Upper G.I. Endoscopy, Nerve conduction velocity & Spirometry facility.
4) Activities
Clinical Activity Diabetic clinic ,weekly, Academic Activities Seminar, Case presentation, Journal club & Group Discussion in held regularly U.G. nephrogy and asthma and COPD clinic Teaching is by faculties.
Dialysis & ECG Technician training is hands on experience and theory classes by the Junior Teachers of the department.
5) Research Publication
Event on going - Multicentre national Covid-19 registry is ongoing under ICMR.
Dr.(Prof.) U.K. Ojha :-National Publication -19, International Publication: -01, State Publication: -01.
Dr.L.B. Tudu:-National Publication-03.
Dr.M.K. Dubey :-National Publication:-05,International Publication-02.
Dr.A.J. Ansari :-National Publication:-5.
Dr. Purnima Kerketta :-National Publication-02.
Dr.N.K. Modi:-National Publication-02.
Dr.A.K. Verma :-National Publication-06.
Dr.Bibhuti Nath :- National Publication-05,International Publication:-01.
One more research on tuberculosis is in pipeline III calibration
with Dept of PSM, SNMMC Dhanbad.
6) Achieved
Efficiently handled Covid-19 pandemic stenting from screening, Isolation treatment.
7) Dedicated Covid-19 Hospital
30 Bedded ICU & 50 -70 Bedded Non-ICU Covid-19 beds.
Further 130 beds are who under preparation.
There are 20 ICU ventilators, Bipap & HFM and other essential equipment's.
Dr. Abhishek
MBBS, MD (Medicine)
Senior Resident
Dr. Mani Kumar
MBBS, MD (Medicine)
Senior Resident
Dr. Neha Kumari
MBBS, MD (Medicine)
Senior Resident

Name | Designation | Email | Image |
Dr.Neha Kumari | Sr.Resident | .... | |
Dr.Mani Kumar | Sr.Resident | ..... |